What is going to be different this time?
How are things going to be better?
What questions are you asking yourself today as you consider the calendar year turning over?
Maybe you are reflecting on your successes. Or, maybe you are seeing how the past year hasn’t measured up, or things seemed to take on a life of their own and are now out of hand.
How is your health? It is a direct question and the reason is no matter your circumstances or life events you take your body with you. It is everywhere you are, and for whatever you want to do your body has to deliver you to it and through it.
There are many things in this world that are not in our control. And even some parts of our health can be outside our control. We can be injured in an accident, or receive a difficult diagnosis. Sometimes bad things just happen. There is an unsettling feeling that comes from not having control. However, our responses are within our control and recognizing that can help us to focus on next steps.
What are the changes that you are thinking need to happen in 2025?
We tend to think of end goals. I want to be healthy. I want to weigh less. I want more energy. I want to stop smoking. I want to feel more confident in how I look.
These are all general descriptions but they are also not very helpful. They lack tactics. What do you do next?
We must participate in our own rescue.
Getting fit takes action. Consistent and repetitive action. And it is something we must do ourselves, for ourselves. Where we have the opportunity to take action we truly have the duty to do so. I am sorry if that sounds burdensome, like another weight on the shoulders. It is work, but it is good work. And in a world where so much is outside our control there are small steps we can do daily that are ours to control. It is how we get control back and we can lean into that.
Oh, what a feeling!
Success is a few good habits repeated every day. – Jim Rohn
What needs to be different in 2025? What do you want to be different in 2025?
The general goals above are fine for a direction, now we need something tactical. We need actions to practice, refine and build on. Those actions become the habits that will hold us to our course of direction. The habits of successfully fit people are not secret.
Consider the following statements:
I want to be leaner/fitter vs I want to be someone who works out more days of the week than not.
I want to eat healthier vs I want to eat more vegetables and protein each day
I want to feel more confident vs I want to regularly practice a task or exercise that builds my confidence.
What stands out as the difference?
Give yourself something actionable to practice. It doesn’t have to be difficult but it should be in the direction of what you want. And the first time you drop the ball on it doesn’t mean you are washed out. You have just learned a lesson that can help you make that practice a little bit better. Can you be teachable?
Our Golden Habits Challenge starts next week and there is still time to get in. I encourage you to do this for yourself!
We have chosen 4 keystone habits to focus on for the month and these seem to be the “four horsemen of the apocalypse” that we hear the most: I eat too much junk, I drink too much alcohol, I don’t get enough exercise, and I feel overwhelmed/can’t focus.
This is the Golden Habits Challenge:
0 Sweet Treats
0 Alcohol
60 minutes of accumulated movement daily.
250 words of journaling daily
None of these habits are easy. That’s OK, it’s only 4 weeks and we know that all won’t be fixed in 4 weeks but we will have taken valuable first steps to better health. We will be doing this together and there is strength in numbers. Plus, we have a strategy of tracking and leverage.
The big takeaway is that at the end of the 4 weeks you will have made progress, found some weak spots that you can bolster, and can then make a better decision of where you want to go.
The challenge costs $99. To register click HERE. Putting some money down gives you leverage because you are going to take it more seriously.
You’re going to record your success every day on a simple pen-and-ink tracking sheet. You’ll post this on your refrigerator or somewhere else in your home.
The prize: a golden Challenger t-shirt. You can’t buy this: you have to earn it. You earn one by hitting 90% compliance (or 100 checked boxes out of 112) on your tracking sheet. We are seeking progress, not perfection!
The future: at the end of the challenge, you’ll sit down with your coach, look at your Habits tracking, and plan your next steps.
Don’t get stuck sitting on the fence! Part of the stress of indecision is knowing that action needs to be taken and we are just putting it off. Commit to a healthier you in 2025 and start your journey with others on the same journey!
Other questions? Please email them to [email protected].
In the meantime, to sign up click here: GOLDEN HABITS CHALLENGE