Tell us about yourself:
My name is Stephanie Thiessen. Iʼm married to my amazing husband Mike and we have 3 beautiful daughters, Kaia, Kaybrie and Hadley, ages 12, 9 and 6. Iʼm a mostly stay at home mom that likes to volunteer at church with a few odd jobs on the side, including selling Stella & Dot, subbing at preschool and being a doula! My faith is the most important thing to me.
How were you introduced to Stone Brook Strength?
Robin and I used to work together years ago at the radio station and when she moved back to Steinbach we connected again. I was interested in learning more about CrossFit and wanted to do the “on-ramp” training but felt the big gymʼs times didnʼt work for me. So I came to see Robin at Stone Brook Strength. And I loved it so much, I havenʼt left! 🙂
What is your favorite Workout/Lift?
In strength, I love cleans! For the workout portion, I love anything with running and anything thatʼs “for time”.
What is your favorite skill/movement that you have learned at SBS?
Cleans! Who knew I had quick elbows??!!
What is your “goat”?
Snatch and overhead squats. Plus, any isometric holds. They KILL me! I could never be a competitor on “Survivor” because of all those holds!
One word to describe me would be…
I have always wanted…
To travel the world.
Outside of the gym, I like to…
Spend time with my family and friends. I love coffee, red wine and good food!
Three things you would always find in my fridge…
Eggs, milk, BBQ sauce
Something nobody knows about me or would be surprised to know about me…
I can speak high German. I lived in Germany for three months in high school for the exchange student program.
Favorite physical activity outside of SBS…
Definitely running, when my knee is actually cooperative. Volleyball, biking with my cruiser, walking are close seconds.
Favorite place to eat…
Hmmm… any place with good fresh food done well. I love eclectic dishes, seafood, interesting combos. Love Cafe Carlo, Segovia, Pizzeria Gusto. And when itʼs fast food… it has to be Qdoba!
What is your day job?
I always say… I wear many hats! I mostly stay at home as a mom (chauffeur, chef, counsellor and everything else to do with kids!) but do lots of odd jobs, including selling Stella & Dot jewelry and accessories, subbing at preschool and being a doula.
Song that gets me pumped up for a workout…
Thatʼs hard, I LOVE music… and a variety of music. From 80ʼs to pop, from classical to rock. My favorite though is probably live worship music by groups like Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation, etc. Good workout music for me is good running music… and a couple that Iʼve always picked up my pace while listening include: “Lay me down” by Chris Tomlin, “Luv is a verb” by DC Talk (oh yes, I just said that!), “Happy Day” by Jesus Culture, and “Here with you” by Hillsong.
The last thing I ate was…
Tortilla chips and fresh homemade salsa!
My proudest accomplishment is…
Raising three daughters thus far!
My six month goal is…
To do a pull up!
If I could have ANYBODY (living or dead) over for dinner, it would be…
Jesus! Hands down!
My favorite workout attire is…
Shorts and a tank top!
My favorite workout partner(s)…
My most common workout partner is definitely Jules! We started CrossFit the same time so she has a special place in my heart! But I can workout with absolutely anyone and be happy!