Precision Nutrition Coaching: Pro Coach

Many people will overestimate what they can do in one month but underestimate what they can do in one year!
With that in mind Stone Brook Strength is excited to introduce a new nutrition program called ProCoach alongside our coaching partner Precision Nutrition!
This program is different than the popular nutrition/diet challenges. Instead of thinking in an 8 or 12 week block we ask that you envision how 12 months of steadily and consistently building optimal eating habits can transform how you look and feel.

ProCoach is a daily habit-based online platform that you can access anywhere. It mixes accountability with a plan to educate and create healthy eating habits to last a lifetime!

We will start early November and due to the interactive coaching nature of this program we are going to limit the number of available spots. To reserve your spot, email: [email protected]

This is NOT limited to Stone Brook Strength Membership so if you are interested (or think someone you know might be interested, please forward) we invite you to get in contact with us for further details, get your name on our shortlist and an introductory 20% off!
Take a look at what kind of change 365 days of Precision Nutrition coaching has made:

Start here

Book a free intro today so we can learn all about you, your goals and how we can help you reach them
Free Intro