It’s time to start thinking about getting back on track in the New Year!
When? 6 weeks Jan 2 -> Feb 11, 2017
*6 week paleo meal plan, shopping lists, recipes
*Whole Life Challenge “kick start” food rules/exceptions
*Measurements at start/end (inches, body fat%, pics optional)
*ProCoach quick start guide and daily lessons (ProCoach is a Precision Nutrition-based online education/habit platform for making lifelong health changes)
*Point System tracking chart:
10 points per day: 7 for nutrition (-1 for any cheat), 1 for hydration, 1 for sleep, 1 for 30 min exercise (mobility can count for 2x/week)
Bonus points per week for following meal plan and ProCoach (5 each)
Total points that can be earned = 80 per week
Indulgence points/meals can be earned
*Great Prizes!
1st – One month free 2x/week membership at SBS ($135 value), Free additional 6 weeks ProCoach ($150 value) $285 value
1st – One month free 2x/week membership at SBS ($135 value), Free additional 6 weeks ProCoach ($150 value) $285 value
2nd – Free upgraded membership (an additional workout per week for one month) ($45 value), Free additional 4 weeks ProCoach ($100 value) $145 value
3rd – 2 free additional group workouts ($30 value), Free additional 2 weeks ProCoach ($50 value) $80 value
*Cost: $29 repeat members (you did our 2016 fall challenge), $39 members, $49 non-members (your family and friends can play along!)
*NEW: Option to continue with coach accountability after 6 weeks over! (our ProCoach program)
*NOTE: The ultimate goal of this challenge will be to have a major kick start to 2017, with follow up to a major body transformation over the course of one year.
We are kicking it all off with a Nutrition Workshop THIS Saturday, December 31st at noon. PLEASE RSVP!