Re-Start Smart: Consistency Before Intensity
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Gyms and fitness centers in Manitoba are now allowed to re-open while meeting certain COVID19…
The Big Rocks×616.jpg A newlywed couple faces a vast unfolding future ahead. A future made up of a mixture of uncertainty and hope. What do you tell…
Welcome Nutrition Coach Jacqui!×800.png I have been pretty hard on myself in the past. Still am sometimes. It’s easy to do when we know what we should do,…
Tracking To Stay On Track – by Coach Liz×800.jpg Food Tracking…Do I have to?!?! First of all let’s get this out of the way, if you want to be successful in your nutrition…
Fit For Business or Why Entrepreneurs Need Personal Training If you are a business owner, you know that your to-do list is endless. Even when you try to prioritize important tasks over urgent,…
Switch Witch – Halloween Game
Halloween… Ghouls, Goblins, and Monsters all sweep the streets on the last night of October. You prep your kiddos to be scary, cute, fun and…
I take iron for back pain.×533.jpg Mornings are difficult. My back is usually tight from lying down during the night and I wake up periodically from an awareness of my…
An Unexpected Journey On a very recent July morning, the bedroom was lighting up through the window from the sunrise. My alarm sounded and I switched it…
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall…
Who do you see, or hope to see in the mirror? At Stone Brook Strength, we have a vision to look and see a community…